November 2, 2020
Audi – Customer Profiling
Based on the Audi PRO Margin Analysis, we know exactly which type of customers typically buy which Audi models. We have information about their age, gender, education, income, lifestyle and motivation. Using this information, we are able to target people with similar profiles within each sales area. By combining this profiling data with past sales and competitor registrations, we are able to spot areas with untapped potential and target the right profiles within these areas.
Combined with the Audi PRO Margin Analysis, the Customer Profiling analysis enables Audi to aim their marketing efforts at models and customers that generate the highest net margin, and to decrease the marketing spend per sold car.
The deliverable is a Tableau dashboard that shows the performance and potential for each area based on a combination of profiling, sales and competitor data. The user is able to select whichever is important to create a custom view for each specific use case.
The next step is to also target B2B customers using our Lead Generation approach. In a later phase, we aim to add connected car data to the analysis to provide deeper insight into the profile of Audi drivers. Using connected car data, we can for example analyze driving style, mileage, charging behavior, commuting and commonly visited places.

Kevin Haver
Lead Data ScientistEllen Mik
Senior Data Scientist