Oktober 6, 2021
Bike Mobility Services – MT Dashboards
Bike Mobility Services (BMS) is a fast-growing company, consisting of both start-ups and scale-ups. Among these companies are Lease a Bike, BusinessBike, FietsNed, Movelo and B2Bike. BMS’ aim is to connect employers, employees, bike dealers, and lease- and insurance companies with each other. Their ambition is to automate all data within this ecosystem centrally, to make sure that every company within BMS can profit from all information derived from this data.

The next step is that Datalab trainee Tim van Walsem will help BMS in developing and improving other dashboards, so that BMS can become as data-driven as they desire.

To make this ambition a reality, we have built a management cockpit that provides insight in three main areas: The contract dashboard provides insight into the number of contracts and the average bike price over time, both compared to budget and last year. The pipeline dashboard shows the number of contracts currently in the pipeline, sorted by phase. Finally, the top 20 dashboard shows the dealers and customers with the highest number of contracts, also compared to last year.

Kevin Haver
Lead Data ScientistKirsten Kniep
Data Scientist