March 22, 2019
Innovation Days
Innovation is a key point where we are constantly focusing on. To support this, we introduced weekly Innovation Days. During these days, we experiment and work with/gather information about new data science technologies and close related topics (e.g. deep learning, IoT, chat bots). To get out of the daily work environment we try to work at special locations, for example at locations like Gazelle, Continental, Orion and Pon Equipment. Besides that, we also work on locations of the VU every now and then, with which we have a good partnership.
On some days we try to boost our motivation and inspiration a bit more, by organizing an activity or workshop. We had a tour at the Gazelle factory, dug with an excavator, but also had a knowledge session about chat bots by Trunkrs, for example. These events give us more insights into Pon companies, but also ensure that we have new energy to think out of the box.
Projects we are currently working on during the Innovation Days are:
Parking Lot Detection: We are trying to detect free parking spaces by using image recognition through deep learning (R-CNN).
Marine Service Prediction: By gathering and using AIS data (through our own antenna), we are predicting service for ships.
Data Analytics Maturity Model: We are developing a model to determine how far Pon companies are within their data analytics journey.

Stephan Schrijver
DataOps Engineer