June 1, 2021
Kalkhoff & FOCUS – Network Analysis
FOCUS and Kalkhoff are both expanding their market in multiple countries. France is an area of interest for both of the brands, and FOCUS is also looking for expansion in Spain.
The goal of the Network Analysis tools is to optimize the dealer network of the specific brand. By using the tools, the Pon brands can see which areas have more potential. Additionally, an advice is given on which bicycle stores in the area can be added to the network.
As we try to improve our existing solutions, we added a new feature to the network tool. From now on, the Google ratings of a store are shown as well. The ratings of the stores are taken into account when giving advice on how to expand your network. The stores with higher ratings have a higher customer satisfaction, and are more desirable to add to your network.
All of this is delivered in an interactive dashboard, in which an overview of all dealers is shown, including whether they must be added, removed or kept in your network.

Kevin Haver
Lead Data ScientistEllen Mik
Senior Data ScientistRoy Gomersbach
Data Scientist