April 8, 2019

Mobility Services and Datalab in National AI course

Artificial Intelligence is beyond its ‘buzz word’ phase and is starting to become more and more important and valuable. Nonetheless not a lot of people really understand the meaning of it. Therefore ElephantRoad and the Innovation Center for AI (ACAI) developed the National AI Course in the Netherlands. Every couple of weeks a new case is being introduced, and any person can learn more about AI. The goal of the program: young to old should get a basic understanding of AI. 

Several companies, like Wolters Kluwer, Rabobank and Samsung showcase how they are using AI in their day-to-day business. Pon is also one of the companies, and of course the Pon Datalab was part of our case. 

In this session, Wesley van Dijken (Director Shuttel) tells more about the multi-modal mobility trends and how data is going to help and influence this trend. Our PhD data scientist, Jesper Slik, is analyzing which factors have an effect on mobility choices based on information coming from the Shuttel card. Moreover, Ralf de Haan tells more about MIND, connected car, and what you can do with the data it produces. Typical example of using artificial intelligence in big data/IoT.

Interested? Go to https://www.ai-cursus.nl/ and follow the course!

  • Jesper Slik

    Senior AI Specialist
  • Ralf de Haan

    Director Data & Analytics