PAH – Network Management Tool: Phase 5
In the fifth phase of the Network Management Tool we have worked on four extensions to the existing tool. The Network Management tool helps the network team of PAH with their network deployment.
The first extension adds the availability to observe the multi-brand sales and service potential for a specific dealer. Previously, this was only possible for one brand at the time. Primarily, the dealer gains understanding about what to expect regarding service hours per brand.

Secondly, we have scraped the locations of 10 selected competitor brands. We are able to differentiate between the sales and service network of the dealers. Additionally, we have calculated the market share of the PAH brands on postal code 4 level based on private RDW registrations. This gives an idea about the relative performance of brands across the country. The extension can be used to compare PAH brand networks with competitor networks. The market share calculation could be improved by assigning registrations to specific dealers.

Thirdly, the service potential is split between four car age segments. Segment 1 is defined as cars younger than 4 years. Segment 2 encompasses cars between 4 and 6 years old. Cars older than 6 years but younger than 15 years constitute Segment 3. Segment 4 includes all cars older than 14 years. The split is included in the existing tool, such that the service potential per segment is available on postal code 4 level. On top of that, a separate dashboard provides insight into the distribution per segment per brand across the country.

Finally, the tool is extended with 3-year (2025) and 8-year (2030) trends on postal code 4 level regarding population and car ownership. The trends are included in the potential calculations and are also available in a stand-alone dashboard for research purposes.
Wilte Falkena
Senior Data Scientist